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Tuesday 26 July 2011

Fission and Fusion

What is fission and fusion. As we have studies which is in the topic of Radioactivity Chapter 5 in Physics SPM. FISSION is known as breaking of one(1) atom into two(2). Now FUSION is known as the opposite of FISSION which means it is combining 2 atom to 1. Now in order for more understanding, ans as the mind works better in pictures, have a look at the picture below shows FISSION and FUSION in a clearer picture.


Now as we can see, this is how probably a FUSION process looks like. This is just an model atom. In nature this FUSION process happens in our well known nearest star to us, the SUN. YES!!! Its our SUN. And that is the reason why we can feel the HEAT from the SUN even we are far away few million km. This FUSION process is still in the happening and the engineers and scientist are working on developing this process. If this can be done, then there would not be any waste and there is no need to be sent to the pool inside the NPP. But, sadly, in order to make this happen, a very large amount of heat is needed. Remember that the SUN reaches a temperature of 10,000 F. Clearer picture below.

Because this is impossible we have to use the FISSION process. As told earlier, FISSION is made as the opposite process of the FUSION. Where here, 1 atom is broken into 2. This needs less energy and also releases the enough energy for our usage in ELECTRICITY. Have a look below.

From the beginning of foundation of NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, it is FISSION that has been used. This is just and idea to people of what is happening inside a NPP. Next update is on the SAFETY on NPP.



  1. It is interesting to know what is happening inside a NPP.
    good job!!

  2. What does a nuclear bomb do? fission or fusion?

  3. cinnaRase: it can do both depending on the Nuclear atom that is used. Eg: Uranium fission and Hydrogen fusion. I think its best not to talk about bomB brother. Sounds violent..=P Love Peace..=)
