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Monday, 11 July 2011

Introduction: REACTOR and BOMB

            Nuclear can be described as an element where all humans as well as other living things will not wish to come contact with. Nuclear are more known for its bad impact compare to its useful usage such as nuclear power plant / reactor which is used to produce electricity. Many countries such as Germany, France, and others had developed this nuclear technology to be used as reactor (good purpose). One of the Asia countries that had been active in developing this nuclear technology is Japan which has quite a number of nuclear plants in their country to supply electric. As the beginning of the post, we would like to raise the consciousness of those people who has no idea about a reactor and a bomb.
                 Talking about nuclear, the FIRST thought of now days people are " woah, thats a heavy stuf", "thats radioactive", " we're going to ruin the future" or some might be saying "it's the end of world". Before saying anything let us analyse which part of nuclear we are talking about. 
                 Basically, there are two parts. One is an nuclear BOMB, and the other one is a Nuclear REACTOR. Lets look at the differences. For people here in Malaysia are very scared about the terms. A Nuclear BOMB which we know of the history was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These are the BOMB which are know very radioactive, and cannot be controlled. Which means when u drop them they explode, explode and keep exploding which contains heavy radiation. These are the "heavy stuf" and "end of world" people are thinking of. But lets look at another part of it. 
               A REACTOR. If you have a big building, and u are the manager of the bunch of workers under you, they call you BOSS. The reason they call u BOSS is because you control the management. Such is a Nuclear Reactor, is a huge compartment where the whole reaction is under control. These are the basic terms of nuclear. Do not think that we are crapping out here, because we might not be a nuclear expert, but we learned our at best in our NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY class MEHB 513 at Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN).
            So people out there, do not get it wrong, and spread these messages  to those who thinks that Nuclear Energy is a KILLER. Why are we doing this, that is stated in our objectives.



  1. P/S: typing error might be there. Forgive me for that. But sometimes typing error shows that we are on Originality..=) thanks peepz..

  2. no problemo, m waiting for more information on nuclear!

  3. wat r te effects 4m radiation.....why german decide to shut down all their nuclear power plant by end of 2021........

  4. The effects of radiation is on the next blog topic on RADIATION posted on 12/07.. Kindly refer there for more clear picture.. Well about the German shutting down is to do with the security. They were not able to convince their people on the safety part. Therefore they are planning to do so. Any besides there are many political reason behind it which is not suppose to be the reason but it contributes to the shutting off the plant.

  5. how about the radiation???

  6. adli: brother, radiation is well explained in the title "What is RADIATION" on the 12/07.. check it out..
