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Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Comparative Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Generation: World Nuclear Association


for the past long time, every one in this world worried about global warming impact which is keen to pose danger to earth life.. so many step, effort and so on had be taken to reduce this global warming impact (GREENHOUSE EFFECTS) such as reduce the usage of CFC product, avoid open burning, reduce fuel consumption ( car pool ) and more. all step is taken to reduce the carbon (CO2) emission because this is the main parent factor for this GREENHOUSE EFFECTS. the question now is; why if all humans keen to reduce this global warming effects, why not they switch to power source such as nuclear power as shown above in the chart above? first, for every one info, power generation also release carbon to the air/surrounding as seen from the chart above... as for current situation, most of the power source in this world is generated through coal, fuel/gas and so on. if we take our country,Malaysia most power generation is from fuel/gas and coal. from the chart above, this 2 source are the main supplier of carbon emission to air. with such a thing, can the world reduce the impact of global warming? for sure the answer now should be no (my opinion).... so to reduce this global warming impact and thus safe our world, it is recommended that more greener technology source should be used for power generation such as nuclear power, renewable energy (e.g wind turbine and so on)..... But as can see from the chart above, nuclear power generation is much more a better choice because it release less carbon compare to wind turbine power generation....... so from here, all have to judge on which power generation type should be used in order to safe the earth from ongoing global warming scenario....... 


Tuesday, 12 July 2011


             Hi people. Would like to start the title by saying a big thank you for the positive respond you'll have given. Appreciate it very much. There are many comments on telling us to update more on our blog information on nuclear. Well we promise you that there will be update everyday on NEW TOPIC. So sit back. Once you get a new information, digest it, then we will add a new hot topic to give u more and more on Nuclear Tech.=)
             So this time around, we are talking about radiation. Now most people out here in Malaysia as i said earlier, has been afraid to even think about NUCLEAR for they are thinking that, its an explosive. Now may be after reading the earlier information, and after messages has been spreading around they might calm down to 1%. But we know that people will keep pointing out negative thoughts once they have a bad impression on certain things. Therefore, even we have explained about REACTOR, we are now going to talk about RADIATION.
             If the word Nuclear carries such a bad thought, radiation plays a double of it people's mind. What is RADIATION. Sound scary, but the truth is, radiation has been there in our daily life. None of us are aware of it. A natural Nuclear Reactor that undergoes the process of fusion is our SUN. If the Sun is a huge Nuclear Reactor then it is Radioactive. Hahaha believe or not. Here we have a picture to explain about the amount of radiation that is being produced by all things surrounding us.

               Take a look at the picture which was released by Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology, and you will find that the natural radiation of an average adult is 2400 microSv (micro = 10^-6) Per YEAR. Do not be afraid, and accept the truth that we are producing such a radiation level. Nothing is happening to us. Yes people, like all things around us vibrate, all things around us also radiate. The tress, the land even your MOBILE!! When you look at the top of the chart, Brazilian has a natural radiation of 10,000 microSv. This means that when you get to Brazil, something terribly is going to happen to you. WRONG!! Its just like you are use to sleep in your room in your house, and one day you are shifted to the next door, you find a room and settled down. And you find it is hard to sleep. Why is that so? Because the radiation is high. NO!! Its just because you have been used to your older house. Just like that, people in Brazil are use to the radiation level. Therefore when you go to Brazil, you might be having a few changes in your health. These changes are showing that you are adapting to the new environment. And after few days you find that, you enjoy sleeping in the new room.
              Coming to the point. The radiation level surrounding a nuclear power plant (NPP) from the pyramid can be seen is 50 microSv per YEAR. Do not get confuse because the amount of radiation by X-RAY is 50 microSv ONE TIME you go for scanning. This is the reason people in Fukushima are not affected by the NPP radiation because it is too small. Therefore if you are to proceed with MRI or CT scan, it can be observed that several changes happen such as dropping of hair and so on because it is very high in radiation.
              Therefore people, it is time for us to accept the truth that we have been living in a world of radiation all this while without us knowing. The reason i have been posting this to IMPORTANT article so that we get an idea about what is NUCLEAR REACTOR and RADIATION. Here after people would not be wondering, "what if it blast like a BOMB?" or "the radiation is so high that it can KILL us!!".=)
              Trust me that even I has been talking in that way because not knowing the truth for we were not exposed to, until we leap for a change. May be some will be complaining bout stomach ache blaming on the radiation of the yesterdays dinner (hehehehe...=D). Stay tuned for the next post tomorrow.


Monday, 11 July 2011

Introduction: REACTOR and BOMB

            Nuclear can be described as an element where all humans as well as other living things will not wish to come contact with. Nuclear are more known for its bad impact compare to its useful usage such as nuclear power plant / reactor which is used to produce electricity. Many countries such as Germany, France, and others had developed this nuclear technology to be used as reactor (good purpose). One of the Asia countries that had been active in developing this nuclear technology is Japan which has quite a number of nuclear plants in their country to supply electric. As the beginning of the post, we would like to raise the consciousness of those people who has no idea about a reactor and a bomb.
                 Talking about nuclear, the FIRST thought of now days people are " woah, thats a heavy stuf", "thats radioactive", " we're going to ruin the future" or some might be saying "it's the end of world". Before saying anything let us analyse which part of nuclear we are talking about. 
                 Basically, there are two parts. One is an nuclear BOMB, and the other one is a Nuclear REACTOR. Lets look at the differences. For people here in Malaysia are very scared about the terms. A Nuclear BOMB which we know of the history was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These are the BOMB which are know very radioactive, and cannot be controlled. Which means when u drop them they explode, explode and keep exploding which contains heavy radiation. These are the "heavy stuf" and "end of world" people are thinking of. But lets look at another part of it. 
               A REACTOR. If you have a big building, and u are the manager of the bunch of workers under you, they call you BOSS. The reason they call u BOSS is because you control the management. Such is a Nuclear Reactor, is a huge compartment where the whole reaction is under control. These are the basic terms of nuclear. Do not think that we are crapping out here, because we might not be a nuclear expert, but we learned our at best in our NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY class MEHB 513 at Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN).
            So people out there, do not get it wrong, and spread these messages  to those who thinks that Nuclear Energy is a KILLER. Why are we doing this, that is stated in our objectives.