for the past long time, every one in this world worried about global warming impact which is keen to pose danger to earth life.. so many step, effort and so on had be taken to reduce this global warming impact (GREENHOUSE EFFECTS) such as reduce the usage of CFC product, avoid open burning, reduce fuel consumption ( car pool ) and more. all step is taken to reduce the carbon (CO2) emission because this is the main parent factor for this GREENHOUSE EFFECTS. the question now is; why if all humans keen to reduce this global warming effects, why not they switch to power source such as nuclear power as shown above in the chart above? first, for every one info, power generation also release carbon to the air/surrounding as seen from the chart above... as for current situation, most of the power source in this world is generated through coal, fuel/gas and so on. if we take our country,Malaysia most power generation is from fuel/gas and coal. from the chart above, this 2 source are the main supplier of carbon emission to air. with such a thing, can the world reduce the impact of global warming? for sure the answer now should be no (my opinion).... so to reduce this global warming impact and thus safe our world, it is recommended that more greener technology source should be used for power generation such as nuclear power, renewable energy (e.g wind turbine and so on)..... But as can see from the chart above, nuclear power generation is much more a better choice because it release less carbon compare to wind turbine power generation....... so from here, all have to judge on which power generation type should be used in order to safe the earth from ongoing global warming scenario.......